FYI and Notices

Please contact me at my school email:

Week 10

Monday: A BIG DAY!!!!  Raffle tickets please!
9am (8:45 class to go to hall) Prize Giving  Wear your school uniform

10:30am Try-athalon    A note went home on Wednesday.  All students are to                                             participate.  This is a fun event.  You may wear house
                                      colours. Need: Bike/scooter, togs, towel, running shoes

2pm Students to meet their teacher they have next year.

Tuesday: Cookie Decorating
Students will be in put into groups.  They are to bring icing and a few little things to decorate a few cookies Ms Nelson will bake. Some items will be provided.

Wednesday: Commissioning of the Year 6s
11am in the hall we will farewell our Year 6s.  All parents are welcome. 

Students may be picked up directly after this at 12pm
School Magazine for sale today   $5 a copy

Weeks  9 and 10...all the details

Thursday: End of Year Mass 1pm

All Parents Welcome
Students encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item
Year 6s blessing and they each receive a named bible
Most school books home today.

Secret Santa if all prezzies arrive.

Friday: Senior Picnic and  Mufti Day Year 5 and Year 6

Walk to "Secret" Movie (G-rated movie not released to the NZ public until January!)
Weather permitting a picnic lunch and play at Kuirau Park playground
Back to school before 2:30pm

Report cards and portfolios of work home today.

Monday: BIG DAY!!!!
9am Prize Giving  (Your child will receive a note in their report if they are  receiving a prize or Mrs Jensen will have made a call home)

10:30am Try-athalon    A note went home on Wednesday.  All students are to                                             participate.  This is a fun event.  
2pm Students to meet their teacher they have next year.
Tuesday: Cookie Decorating
Students will be in put into groups.  They are to bring icing and a few little things to decorate a few cookies Ms Nelson will bake. Some items will be provided.

Wednesday: Commissioning of the Year 6s
11am in the hall we will farewell our Year 6s.  All parents are welcome.
Students may be picked up directly after this at 12pm


Relax and enjoy your holidays.  Have a great summer.  And don't forget to read, read, read!

*Please go by the dates in the school newsletter if there is a discrepancy. This note is just to give a quick overview.

Term 4 Week 9

General Notes:

No swimming this week
All library books are to back at school!
PTA raffle tickets are to be back at school Monday!

Wednesday:BOP Athletics Day (Go Dan!) and Water Trip for enrichment students

Thursday: Secret Santa
End of Year Mass. End of Year Mass. End of Year Mass                                  1pm Thursday

Friday: Year 5/6 Picnic and Movie Day (Please bring $2)

Term 4 Week 8
General notes:

Swimming this week.  All students need to bring their togs.

The Christmas Parade is Saturday.  So dust off your angel and shepherd clothes and be part of the fun.  This year St Michael's is  joining in on the fun.

The PTA Annual Raffle has started.  Your family should have received a book of tickets last week.  If you missed out or need more tickets come see me and I will help you out.

Student Led Conferences are MONDAY.  I will be calling all families not already on the booking list.  I can't wait to help your child share their learning with you.


Monday: Student Led online!
Thursday: Slip Slap Slop Competition
Friday: Year 6 Retreat Church Hall
Term 4 Week 7
No swimming this week.
All library books due in the library no later than Friday!

Tuesday: Inter-School Athletics*
Wednesday: Mrs Cato's class trip
Thursday: Sausage sizzle orders taken today for Friday. Please pre-order in the classes today.
Friday: St Mary's Fun Athletic's Day - JPC 9-3pm

* The senior  and middle teams have been practicing for athletics in Term 4.  The teachers made notes on students who excelled at the events we taught.  So therefore we do have a team going even though our own Athletics Day was rained off.  These students have been notified.

If anyone has any wool/yarn from left over knitting projects Room 2 would love to use it for our art. Thanks.

Term 4 Week 6
Swimming this week.  Bring togs!
Monday: Swimming  Library:Bring your books please.

Wednesday: Ahurei Festival in the evening

Friday: Athletics Day...Please drop off and pick up at JPC. Wear house colours.

Term 4 Week 5
No swimming this week!
Badminton and athletics practice so please bring your PE gear every day.

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Off to the skate park 9am!  Badminton before lunch.

Thursday: Badminton
Friday: Golden Time - Hobo Stoves (large tin cans required) and Mufti Day (Gold Coin)

Term 4 Week 4
Swimming this week ONLY Tuesday and Thursday
Monday is All Souls Liturgy School Hall 10am. All are Welcome.

Wednesday - Trip to skate park...If it is raining we will not go.
Friday is Grandparents Mass 9am
Friday we will have a shared morning tea.  Please send something to share with our class.  I will provide drinking chocolate for the students if they would like to have some.

Term 4 Week 3
No swimming this week.
But we will have fitness, skipping and athletics training.  Wednesday and Thursday we will be having high jump practice.  Please wear PE gear.  We also have badminton twice this week 11-11.45 .  All students are to have PE gear for this activity.

All but two students had a named sun hat. Well done Room 2.  I also think we will have another Black Out Day on Friday to support the ABs in the World Cup Final this weekend.

Monday: No school
Tuesday: Badminton
Wednesday: (Rosary - Juniors)
Thursday: Badminton
Friday: Chinese Day.  More details to follow.  Also Black Out Mufti-Day!!!

Art-tastic  Sign up link
Term 4 Week 2
We swim every day at 10:30am.  Bring togs and towels and name your goggles if you are using them.  We swim rain or shine you are getting wet anyway!

Remember the summer uniform needs to be worn in Term 4.  I will be checking for named hats tomorrow.  We may be starting some athletics training on Tuesday so bring your PE gear just in case.

Monday: Swimming
Tuesday: Swimming, PE training and bring your reading log in from the school holidays.

Wednesday: ROSARY (senior team) and swimming
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Swimming

Term 4 Week 1
Welcome Back!
No swimming this week.  Room 2 swims weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 at 10 am this term.  It is expected that all students will swim everyday.  If you are too sick to swim then you may be too sick to be at school.  As a teacher I am responsible for all 31 children and to have everyone in the pool is safer and more manageable.  I love teaching swimming and I feel it is one of the most important life skills I teach.

Please have new pencils, sharpeners and erasers ready for Monday morning.

Calendar art was supposed to be ordered at the end of last term.  I think students did a fantastic job this year.  So if you missed out I heard they may do another order in a few weeks.  Please check with Jan in the office before school to see if she still plans to send another order.  They make great gifts for family and lovely keepsakes for students.  The PTA uses the money for so many necessary items at school it is a great way to help out the school.

Student Led Conferences are on this term.  You will hear more about this opportunity to have your child explain their learning this year.  Remember to check for notices at the bottom of school bags and don't forget to read the newsletter online every Wednesday.

If your child has a Chrome Book please remind them to charge it and bring everyday.

Term 3 Week 9

Thanks to all the families who participated in the Mufti Mania event on Friday.  We raised money for the NZ Catholic Schools Principals. Who in turn, are sending the donation to Caritas, who will give it to two Catholic schools in the Solomon Islands lacking in resources.
We also had the Dunk the Teacher on Friday.  Lots of money was raised for cancer research.  Mr Macmillan braved the cool temperature and children cheered as he was covered in ice and water.

Room 2 Speech finalists: Year 5: Recco, Year 6: Anova and Class Choice: Daniel

CAMP NEXT WEEK!!!!!  Any students who are not going to camp need to report to Room 14 each day of school next week.  If you are not coming to school or camp then you must call the office and let Mrs Dalton know. Thanks.


Tuesday: Speech Competition 1:30pm
Friday:  Water Trip.  We still need three helpers!  Gymnastics competition at MIGS Gym.

Term 3 Week 8
Where has the term gone?  Just a reminder camp fees need to be paid before camp.

I have been chosen for jury service this week.  I will be out of the classroom Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  I have maths commitments at St Mary's on Tuesday and Wednesday regardless of whether I am chosen or not.

Most of the maths and literacy work I have placed on Room 2s google site.  Homework is ongoing and I will re-post  this week. Thanks for the families who have spent extra time at home helping their children complete some of the tasks.
 The class know that I will be away until Thursday.  We have discussed the work they should be completing each day.  We have been trialing this system all term. When the work is completed online I can check in anytime if I have internet access.  Students email me if they have any questions.  I even had a few midnight requests when I was in Canada when it was the middle of the day in NZ!

It is a busy week ahead so please put these dates into your calendar:

Monday - Library Please bring library books.  PE in the afternoon wear PE uniform
Tuesday - Gymnasts to MIGS at lunch for a practice?  Check the note sent home Friday
Wednesday -
Thursday - Thursday  Royal NZ Ballet visit
Friday - Mufti Mania!!!!! Gold coin donation  Free Time for Golden Time
Term 3 Week 7
Monday: Library  Pass It (bring PE gear), Spelling quiz

Tuesday: Pass It (Bring PE gear)
Wednesday: Kapa Haka citizenship performance (students have been given permission slips)                     Parent Meeting Camp 5pm
Friday: Mother of Mary Birthday Mass

Note from Father Eamon: Training for new altar servers will begin on Wednesday September 2nd at 3:30pm.  A parent must be present.  See the newsletter for more details.
Also enrollment for the sacramental programme.  There will be an information session at 7pm October 14th.  

My laptop should be fixed Monday or Tuesday and homework etc. will be back up and running.

Term 3 Week 6Monday: School Photos, Library. Pass it (PE Gear)
Tuesday :Pass IT (PE Gear)

Term 3 Week 5

Remember no school Monday August 17th.  Please make other arrangements for all students.  Marianne will be in the library.  If you need to leave your child with her please see her Monday.
Monday: Teacher Only Day (Religious Education  professional development) No School
Wednesday: 9:00 am 
Author Stacy Gregg’s visit
Friday:Spelling Quiz, Golden Time

Term 3 Week 4
Thanks for the amazing shared lunch items. The children had a fantastic day on Friday.

Monday - Library today. Please bring books to renew! Bring PE gear
Tuesday -Bring PE Gear
Wednesday -Year 6 Pre-Pubery Meeting 5-5:50 for parents
Thursday - Disco: Fluro is the theme! See the newsletter for more details.
Friday - Assumption Liturgy in the Hall

Term 3 Week 3
Year 6 JPC interviews are Monday and Tuesday.  Please check your times.  The interviews will be in the meeting room beside the student entrance to the office.

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Author visit Donovan Bixley
Wednesday: quick assembly 9am with author Donovan Bixley
Friday: St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Feast Day.
             Tough Guy and Gal Challenge

Term 3 Week 2

Remember parent interviews are Monday and Tuesday after school.  Please sign in using the information included in the newsletter last week.

Monday: Library, Parent interviews after school
Tuesday:  The NED Show, Parent interviews after school
Wednesday: PTA AGM 7pm

Please return your holiday reading logs this week.
Portfolios and RE books return this week after you've had a chance to talk about them.

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome Back! I hope you have all had a lovely school holiday break.  Remember you don't come to school tomorrow.  It is a teacher only day.  So I will see you all on Tuesday.

Remember to fill in your holiday reading programme list.  Let's try to have 100% of our class remember to bring it in. I know that everyone has read lots of different material.  So, if you read the newspaper or a magazine one day be sure to write that in as well.

Parent Interviews are scheduled for Week 2.  There will be information in the school newsletter about how to sign up for a chat.

Wednesday and Thursday you will need to have your PE gear.  We have  Hit It sessions.

Remember if you need pencils, rubbers or rulers please bring from home,  A few of you were light in supplies at the end of last term.

See you Tuesday!

Term 2 Week 11

Hi everyone.  I have made it to Nova Scotia after about 32 hours of flying.
Mrs D is in on Monday and Mrs Wibley is in for the remainder of the week.

No assembly on Friday.  Sorry I found out on Friday.  We will have an assembly first week Term 3.

REMINDER: We are making tin can lanterns on Monday.  Please bring an empty tin can and a hammer to school Monday!!!!!!
REMINDER: Hit it  Monday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All students to wear PE gear.  (Also dress to the weather)

Remember to check the blog for Room 1 if you have any questions about what is happening this week.  I will fill in everything from the email I received from Mr Macmillan.  But things change at staff meetings. So please double check if you think the information is incorrect on this blog.

Monday: There are still a few students who need to bring in their $5 for the trip to the marae.  Please hand in to Mrs D.  We still may need a few drivers to transport students to and from the marae on Tuesday.
Tuesday: Marae Trip all day.  Leave school at 9am  and back to school by 2:30.  All students should have morning tea.  Lunch is a hangi.  Some students may need a little something else.  Although we chatted in class about giving the hangi a try.
Wednesday: Performance in the hall 9:00am Singing choir from Brisbane
Friday: Bishop Steve is in to each classroom.  Please tidy the class on Thursday.  Thanks

Have a great week.  See you Tuesday Week 1 Term 3.  Have a lovely safe holiday!

Term 2 Week 10
The Whanau Group would like to extend an invitation to all staff and their families to a pot luck dinner on Thursday the 25th of June at 5.30pm. The dinner is to celebrate the cultural diversity we have in our school. EVERY FAMILY IS INVITED.

Come along for some fun conversation and get to know our community. Last year was great fun.

It looks like a lovely quiet week.
Have a great week.

Term 2 Week 9
The Whanau Group would like to extend an invitation to all staff and their families to a pot luck dinner on Thursday the 25th of June at 5.30pm. The dinner is to celebrate the cultural diversity we have in our school. EVERY FAMILY IS INVITED.

Come along for some fun conversation and get to know our community. Last year was great fun.

Monday: LibraryTuesday: ICAS Spelling and Writing AssessmentsWednesday: Renewable Energy Science Afternoon Room 1-4 Come and see
                      what your child has
been learning this term.  3 - 5:15 pmThursday: Matariki beginsFriday: Golden Time Lego Competition (all building to be completed at school)
              Partner or individual event.  Maximum 200 pieces of Lego only.

Term 2 Week 8


Friday: Sacred Heart Mass 9am church
The Whanau Group would like to extend an invitation to all staff and their families to a pot luck dinner on Thursday the 25th of June at 5.30pm. The dinner is to celebrate the cultural diversity we have in our school.

Come along for some fun conversation and get to know our community. Last year was great fun

Term 2 Week 7

No notices this week.

Term 2 Week 6
Monday (25th): Library

Tuesday (26th):
Wednesday (27th):
Thursday (28th): Healthy Lunch entries are due today.
Friday (29th): Mutfi-Day. Gold coin donation and all money raised is going to the people in Nepal.

Camp Forms:
There are still a few camp forms to come in. ALL forms in this week.  This doesn't include payment for camp.

Healthy Lunch Competition:

You will need to take a photo of your lunch, and write a paragraph to explain why you have chosen to include those items.

Term 2 Week 5
Monday (18th): Library and Cross-country running practise (PE
Tuesday(19th): ICAS Computer. Cross-country running practise (PE gear)
Wednesday(20th): Cross-country running practise (PE gear)
Thrusday(21st): Shared Lunch for Tharuki. Cross-country running
                             practise (PE gear)
Friday(22nd): Pentecost Mass at the church with St Michaels
                        Cross country at the Redwoods.

Cross Country Running
Students are to be picked up from the Redwoods at 2:30 sharp.  If you cannot make that time please arrange for someone to pick up your child.  Students need PE gear, running shoes, drink bottle and something warm to wear for after the race. We also need help with transport to the event.  If you can help please send a note to school or email me.

Healthy Lunch Competition.
Students are to photograph their healthy lunch and send it to Mrs Todd.  The Health Promoting Schools Team is organising this event.  All entries to Mrs Todd by May 28th.  

All camp forms need to be in to the teacher ASAP.  If your child will not be attending we need a note confirming this as well.

The teacher coming in to do the classroom release classes this term has asked that all students please bring in a Kinder Surprise orange plastic egg.  We don't need the chocolate (eat that at home please) or the little toy....just the egg bit for a science experiment. Thanks

Term 2 Week 4
Monday: Cross-country running practice (PE Gear)

Tuesday: Walking to the JPC Production Beauty and the Beast
Cross-country running practice (PE Gear)                       Heart Foundation talk in the hall 1:30 pm all invited!
Cross-country running practice (PE Gear)
Friday: Room2 is going to a parish mass.  Tidy uniform            
 Cross-country running practice (PE Gear)

Term 2 Week 3

Thursday Making Anzac Biscuits and DISCO!!!
Friday Flour fight for Golden Time

Looking to next week...

Term 2 Week 2

Monday: ANZAC DAY.  Students may attend the service and walk in the parade. (Notice went                          home)
Tuesday: ANZAC Liturgy 10am School Hall   and all are welcome




Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back everyone.  I hope you had a fantastic and restful school holiday.
I was away most of last week in Auckland for a Google Summit with a number of other teachers from St Mary's Rotorua.  We picked up some great tips for teaching using digital technology.  Then I was in Tauranga with Mr Volschenk for a Maths Symposium (very flash word for a day of learning how to teach maths).

On drive way back from Tauranga I received a call from Mr Beckam and there was a water leak in our closet and it soaked everything.  I was hoping to walk into a classroom that was ready to work I will be in Monday early checking on how the classroom smells.  I have been assured that everything is fixed and dry.  If things appear to be in too much of a disarray we will use Room 6.  I think I put the ChromeBooks and iPads in the closet before I left.  I didn't hear if they were wet...fingers crossed they are fine.

If you have your ChromeBook please bring it this week.  I have lots to show you.  Remember that when you bring back your School Holiday's Reading Log your name goes in to win a new ChromeBook!!!!!

Tuesday: Resurrection Liturgy 10am   Library  11:45am

Mr Macmillan wants all children to know they are invited to walk with the school on Saturday April 25th  for the ANZAC Parade and Civic Memorial Service.  Meet Mr Macmillan at the Lakefront Memorial in your school uniform at 8:30am.  The commemoration is very special this year.

Term 1 Week 9

Monday: Dynamos Afternoon.  Students know who is involved.  Bring PE gear.
Tuesday: Stations of the Cross Liturgy at the church 10am  Mrs Cato in bring Chromebooks!
Wednesday: Kick It at 11am.  All students are to wear the St Marys PE uniform!
Thursday:Washing of the Feet in the Hall at 10am
Friday: Good Friday - No school  See you after the school holidays!!!

Have a lovely and safe school holidays.

Timetable for Church Services over Easter,

Holy Thursday: 7pm St Marys
Good Friday Stations of the Cross 10am - St Marys
Good Friday: 3pm St Marys 3pm St Michaels
Easter Vigil Mass: 7pm St Marys
Easter SundayK 8am St Michaels, 10.00am St Marys 5.00pm St Marys

Term 1 Week 8
***new*** Bring a mug or plastic cup and a fork to school Friday to eat your rice

Any parent who would like to help make rice we would love some assistance.  Thanks.
Monday March 23: School Swim Sport.  Drop your child off at the Aquatic Centre at 8:30am.
 Pick up at 2:45pm.
Tuesday March 24th: First Aid Training (students names are on the board)

Inter-School Swimming (notices sent home last week)
Wednesday March 25th: Annunciation Liturgy 10am church and kick it (bring St Mary's PE gear)
Thursday March 26th: Year 6 Leader's Commissioning.  1:30-2pm school hall.

Parents are most welcome to attend.
Friday March 27th: A VERY exciting day!  Bring your Jesus clothes to take part in the Palm         Sunday Parade at school.  (Bring a palm frond)  All year 5 and 6s are expected to                                 dress up.  I will give hints on what to wear later in the week.  I have seen                                               wonderful attire created from a mere pillowcase and a leather belt!
We are supporting the Caritas appeal by having a gold coin mufti day!!
We are having a rice lunch to walk in the footsteps of those who don't have the same opportunities as we have.  Eat a hearty breakfast and some morning tea.  We will have our milk as usual.  But we will only have rice for lunch.  If you are worried about your child going hungry bring a snack for them at the end of the day.

What a  fantastic week we have planned!  We won't have any time to swim this week as most of the activities occur during our swimming time.  So no need to bring togs to school this week.

Please encourage your child to participate in heaps of events on Monday.  Students can dress in their house colours and they should bring something warm to wear in case it gets a bit cool during the day. There are fun events as well as the more serious swim events.  Come and help out or just join us for lunch. Sausages will be sold tomorrow instead of Friday. Hats are a must!!

Term 1 Week 7

Room 2 doesn't swim this week.
Next Monday is School Swimming Sport Day at the Aquatic Centre!
Bring your RE book back signed by your parent or caregiver.  Remember to ask them for a comment on some of the learning you are working on this term.
You must have PE gear for Wednesday.  This notice includes the boys.  Your uniform shirt will be too hot to wear if you have KickIt in the hall.
Hats must be hat, no play!

Monday March 16th: Bring Chromebooks today. Mrs Cato is coming in for a lesson at 9am

Tuesday March 17th: St Patrick's Day.  Final session with Harold
Wednesday March 18th: Kick It programme.  Wear your St Marys PE gear please
Thursday March 19th: Kapa Haka is starting today!
Friday March 20th: St Joseph's Mass 9am church

Golden Time this week is making sherbet.  The class are in groups and they have hopefully divided up who brings what evenly.  Thanks for your support.

Term 1 Week Six:
We are finishing a page about Bishop Stephen.  If you are finished reading ketekorero that went home last week we will be using some of the photos to do a poster in our RE books. Thanks.
Room 2 swims this week.
Monday March 9th: Swim at 9:30
Tuesday March 10th: Swim at 9:30  Visit Harold - Life Ed
Wednesday March 11th: Kick It  - NO SWIMMING!!!! Bring PE Gear
Thursday March 12th Swim at 9:30
Friday March 13th: Swim at 9:30 and water fight for Golden Time. Bring a water gun!
(Sorry for the delay in the notices...out of town and no power cord!)
Term 1 Week Five:

We do not swim this week!
But if you have a Chromebook please bring it everyday this week.

Monday March 2nd: Library - please bring books
Tuesday March 3rd:
Wednesday March 4th:
Thursday March 5th: GALA DAY!!! from 4pm -7pm
Friday March 6th:

Please remember that if all families support Gala Day it makes it a huge success.  Please check the list for items to bring.

 Cake Competition!!!!!

Note that entry form needs to be attached to cake. 

Cakes in "buy back" category require $5 payment when cake is dropped out.

Which class will have the most entries?

Thanks for supporting the PTA by promoting this competition in your class.

Classes can walk thru to see entries from 9.30 - 10am then "buy back" cakes will be delivered back to students classrooms.

Term 1 Week Four
Please remember to bring your togs and towel to school each day.
We swim rain or shine.  The only person who gets wet in the rain is me!

Monday: Swimming 9.30 am

Tuesday: Swimming 9.30 am

Wednesday Swimming 9.30 am

Thursday: Swimming 9.30 am

Friday: Swimming 9.30
             Homework to be handed in and Spelling Quiz!

Term 1 Week Three
Please remember to bring your sunhat to school every day!

Monday Feb 16th         SwimIt School Pool 11.10-11.40am
Tuesday Feb 17th         Bring your Chromebooks (if you have one)
                                      SwimIt Walk to Aquatic Centre 10 - 12pm
                                      (All students to have togs please.)
                                      Promise Ceremony 1:30pm Hall
Wednesday Feb 18th    Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9am Church
                                      Room 10 and Room 2 are hosting
Thursday Feb 19th
Friday Feb 20th            Room 2's Assembly 2:10pm (Summer Reading Log Draw)
                                     Homework and Spelling Quiz

Term 1 Week Two
The sun hat rule will be enforced by the duty teachers.  Bring a school hat for morning tea and lunch time play.  No hat...No play!

Monday Feb 9th            SwimIt 9:30-10 (bring togs and towels)
Tuesday Feb 10th          SwimIt 9:30-10
                                       Diocese Mass 6pm We would love to have a large group of students attend.
Wednesday Feb 11th     SwimIt
Thursday Feb 12th        SwimIt 10-10:30
                                      Opening School Mass 2pm at the church
                                      Meet your child's classroom teacher 4:05 - 4:30pm
Friday Feb 13th             SwimIt 10:30-11
                                      Spelling quiz/Homework

Term 1: Week One
Sunhats are part of the school uniform for Term 1 and 4. 
If you don't wear a hat you can't play in the playground during morning tea and lunch time.
Tuesday Feb 3rd        No swimming today
Wednesday Feb 4th   Walking to the Aquatic Centre for swimming lesson.  See notice.
Thursday Feb 5th       Swimming at school  (SwimIt programme) Bring togs!

Friday Feb 6th            Waitangi Day  no school today.  See you Monday.

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