Homework Term 4
Week 2
Reading: 10 Books 10 Weeks Reading Challenge (thanks to those students who shared your reading with me from last week. Keep up the fantastic reading!)
Spelling: If you got 100% on your spelling last week you will move onto the next level this
week. If you didn't manage to get 100% then we will retest Monday.
Maths: Practice basic facts for add/sub and mult/div. I will send a list of games you can use that might help with fast recall rather than counting. Spend your time on the facts
you don't know.
Fitness: Swimming fitness this week and one session for athletics. It will depend on the weather which of the events we will practice on Tuesday.
Week 1Reading: 10 Book 10 Weeks Reading Challenge
This term everyone will try to read one chapter book or novel each week. You will need to
read each night for at least 20 minutes.
Spelling:Spelling list words are to be copied into your spelling notebooks. Lists are to be studied for two weeks. It is expected that all students will have 100% of their spellings correct.
Spelling lists include difficult words you may need how to spell or may be words that you
already know how to spell but would be useful to include in your weekly writing. You can move onto the next spelling list if you score 100% on your quiz.
Maths: All students in Year 5 and 6 are expected to learn their addition and subtraction basic facts to 20. All Students in Year 5 and 6 are expected to learn their multiplication ( and division) basic facts up to 10 x 10.
iXL practice is important to maintain maths skills. This week, review fractions to keep knowledge and strategies we learned last term. If you have any questions that you don't understand please take a screen shot and send to me and I can help explain the maths.
Topic: I will include a link to a Google Doc week 2
Fitness: We are trying to increase our fitness this term. Even weeks we are swimming. All students are expected to swim Monday to Friday. Do not forget your togs! Odd weeks we are
running, skipping, playing team games and practicing for athletics. Think about how you
can increase your fitness at home with your family.
Week 9
Homework Doc Link
Week 8
Homework Doc Link
Week 7
Homework Doc Link
Week 4 MATHS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maths: 9x tables focus. Learn this week!
We are attempting to focus in two areas...basic facts and problem solving. More information in class Monday. I have even found a few prizes in my cupboard.
Reading: Home readers keep up the great work reading every night.
At Year 5 and 6 we expect students to read or be read to for lt least 15 minutes every night
Library: Did you name the Lion????
Spelling: New words this week.
Week 2
Maths: 4 x and 8 x tables
Reading: Read every night for at least 15 minutes...REMEMBER YOUR READING LOG!
Library: Name the Lion (check out the library blog!)
Spelling: Te Wiki o te Reo Maori Please make a copy and complete the work.
Topic: Create a water collage poster using magazines, newspapers and circulars. Think about the different forms of water. (Or if you prefer you can create a digital poster. Remember to use copyright free images.)
Write a list of words describing water. Go to ABCya and create a word cloud of the all the words you wrote down. Copy into a Google Doc. In the book I read to the class today the author wrote " clear, crystal blue" and "sparkling and bright".
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Reading: Please read every night for at least 15 minutes,
Maths: All students are to learn their times tables at home. I have included many ideas in the maths google doc for each group. It is important that all students in years 5 and 6 have fast recall of all times tables up to 10 x 10.
Maths: IXL is now up and running. Passwords will go out to students on Tuesday
Reading: Read every night for at least 15 minutes
Spelling: Same words as last week
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Maths: All students have a password to use Sumdog. It is a fun game-based maths program.
We will have access to IXL later this week for the next six months.
Reading: Read at least 15 minutes each night.Well done home reading club! Great reading this week.
List A List B List C List D
grip done bloom timeless
hard kit boot together
lands none broom usable
part stem cool useless
rib smell coop voice
shark snip food wrong
sharp some fool delightful
smart spell hoot fitness
spin telling mood freshen
ball behind moon hopelessly
band below noon hoping
book clap room lightly
cut enough scoop noise
fill even soon passage
gave kites spoon quickly
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Homework Term 2 Week 5
Maths: Practise all times tables to 10 x 10. If you can recall them quickly without hesitating then try the 11x, 12, 13x, 14x and 15 times tables. Check for patterns to help you remember.
If you have not completed your DLO please complete this week before Friday. Email Ms Nelson your work soI can have a quick peak. Thanks. The ones I have commented on so far are very good. Well done Room 2.
Reading: Home Reading Club read every night and don't forget to bring in your reading books and note books back on Friday.
All students need to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
List A List B List C List D Challenging Words
farm above drape helplessness aerial
small snug escape largest column
digs where listen likable exaggerate
smash were scrape listened grievance
dark slip stay mistake intelligent
barn glove fork portable amateur
stall best porch preserving committed
arm shove sport preview exceed
bad see torch quieter grocery
bar shelf thought remarkable interfere
Students who had all spellings correct last week will study the next group's list this week,
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Homework Term 2 Week 3 and 4
Maths: Practise all times tables to 10 x 10. If you can recall them quickly without hesitating then try the 11x, 12, 13x, 14x and 15 times tables. Check for patterns to help you remember.
Reading: Home Reading Club read every night and don't forget to bring in your reading books and note books back on Friday.
All students need to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
Writing: Write a sentence or two explaining why Anzac biscuits are a good way to remember soldiers who fought in the war. We will put your ideas on the blog tomorrow.
List A List B List C List D
farm above drape helplessness
small snug escape largest
digs where listen likable
smash were scrape listened
dark slip stay mistake
barn glove fork portable
stall best porch preserving
arm shove sport preview
bad see torch quieter
bar shelf thought remarkable
Topic: Try this for fun!
The number you register with when you finish building a city is SN33496
Homework Term 2 Week 2
Maths: Practice multiplication basic Facts
Reading: Reading Logs are due back at school. Please fill out and maybe you will win a ChromeBook! Also we are completing book reports for Mrs O'Leary to put up in the library. Please create a book report. We will go over the how to's this week.
Homework Term 1 Week 9
Maths - Last week to practise your basic facts. Remember to play the games we learned in class.
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes. If you are in the Home Reading Club I need your books
returned on Thursday.
Spelling - Keep learning the words from last week.
Spelling Challenge Words: accelerate
Homework Term 1 Week 8
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night. Try this online game if you are still counting
some of your basic facts to 10 on your fingers.
Next memorise all doubles to 20. 11 + 11 ...
This website is from nzmaths week. There are some great games to learn
about basic facts. There is also a game called Ordering. If you are in the
Blue Group you need to work through Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Please do not waste homework time just playing Canyon Splatter or Raining $.
Reading - Read for 15 minutes each night (even during the weekend). Home Reading
Club you need to have someone ask you questions about the story you have
read and have them sign your notebook each night.
Spelling - New words for the remainder of the term. Only 10% of the class have
scored 15/15 for their spellings each week. That means 90% of you need to
study more so that you don't make silly errors.
stop sharp bright unhappy
lip seeing bananas view
all tape sigh wander
slip also shy write
list being breakfast answer
spot barking ate author
maths parting light boldness
hall sniff meat curable
come stall might break
hats above writes darkness
dish best talks choice
fall glove tight caught
his shelf high careless
last shove anybody choking
shop not didn't finest
Homework Term 1 Week 7
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night. Try this online game if you are still counting
some of your basic facts to 10 on your fingers.
Remember just a few minutes each night reviewing basic facts will make
problem solving easier. It is an expectation in the curriculum that all
students have rapid recall of basic facts.
Reading - Read each night after school for 15 minutes or longer. If you are in the
Home Reading Club you read a story, poem or article from the School Journal
and then have mum and dad ask questions about what you read. The
questioning is very important. Please don't leave that part out of the
Spelling - The words may be easy but some students are making silly errors. You can
try another group's spelling after you learn your list. I also need the points
from February.
A few students have asked for more challenging words...try these!
Topic - Mrs Cato was in on Monday. Have a look around the Epic site. Check out the
articles and news items. Search for things you are studying this year or even
topics you studied last year.
We will continue work on the topic inquiry Wednesday this week in class.
Week 2
Reading: 10 Books 10 Weeks Reading Challenge (thanks to those students who shared your reading with me from last week. Keep up the fantastic reading!)
Spelling: If you got 100% on your spelling last week you will move onto the next level this
week. If you didn't manage to get 100% then we will retest Monday.
Maths: Practice basic facts for add/sub and mult/div. I will send a list of games you can use that might help with fast recall rather than counting. Spend your time on the facts
you don't know.
Fitness: Swimming fitness this week and one session for athletics. It will depend on the weather which of the events we will practice on Tuesday.
Week 1Reading: 10 Book 10 Weeks Reading Challenge
This term everyone will try to read one chapter book or novel each week. You will need to
read each night for at least 20 minutes.
Spelling:Spelling list words are to be copied into your spelling notebooks. Lists are to be studied for two weeks. It is expected that all students will have 100% of their spellings correct.
Spelling lists include difficult words you may need how to spell or may be words that you
already know how to spell but would be useful to include in your weekly writing. You can move onto the next spelling list if you score 100% on your quiz.
Maths: All students in Year 5 and 6 are expected to learn their addition and subtraction basic facts to 20. All Students in Year 5 and 6 are expected to learn their multiplication ( and division) basic facts up to 10 x 10.
iXL practice is important to maintain maths skills. This week, review fractions to keep knowledge and strategies we learned last term. If you have any questions that you don't understand please take a screen shot and send to me and I can help explain the maths.
Topic: I will include a link to a Google Doc week 2
Fitness: We are trying to increase our fitness this term. Even weeks we are swimming. All students are expected to swim Monday to Friday. Do not forget your togs! Odd weeks we are
running, skipping, playing team games and practicing for athletics. Think about how you
can increase your fitness at home with your family.
Week 9
Homework Doc Link
Week 8
Homework Doc Link
Week 7
Homework Doc Link
Week 4 MATHS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maths: 9x tables focus. Learn this week!
We are attempting to focus in two areas...basic facts and problem solving. More information in class Monday. I have even found a few prizes in my cupboard.
Reading: Home readers keep up the great work reading every night.
At Year 5 and 6 we expect students to read or be read to for lt least 15 minutes every night
Library: Did you name the Lion????
Spelling: New words this week.
Week 2
Maths: 4 x and 8 x tables
Reading: Read every night for at least 15 minutes...REMEMBER YOUR READING LOG!
Library: Name the Lion (check out the library blog!)
Spelling: Te Wiki o te Reo Maori Please make a copy and complete the work.
Topic: Create a water collage poster using magazines, newspapers and circulars. Think about the different forms of water. (Or if you prefer you can create a digital poster. Remember to use copyright free images.)
Write a list of words describing water. Go to ABCya and create a word cloud of the all the words you wrote down. Copy into a Google Doc. In the book I read to the class today the author wrote " clear, crystal blue" and "sparkling and bright".
Homework Week 10 and 11
Matariki |
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Reading: Please read every night for at least 15 minutes,
Maths: All students are to learn their times tables at home. I have included many ideas in the maths google doc for each group. It is important that all students in years 5 and 6 have fast recall of all times tables up to 10 x 10.
Homework Term 2 Week 7, 8 and 9
Maths: IXL is now up and running. Passwords will go out to students on Tuesday
Reading: Read every night for at least 15 minutes
Spelling: Same words as last week
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Homework Term 2 Week 6
Maths: All students have a password to use Sumdog. It is a fun game-based maths program.
We will have access to IXL later this week for the next six months.
Reading: Read at least 15 minutes each night.Well done home reading club! Great reading this week.
List A List B List C List D
grip done bloom timeless
hard kit boot together
lands none broom usable
part stem cool useless
rib smell coop voice
shark snip food wrong
sharp some fool delightful
smart spell hoot fitness
spin telling mood freshen
ball behind moon hopelessly
band below noon hoping
book clap room lightly
cut enough scoop noise
fill even soon passage
gave kites spoon quickly
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Homework Term 2 Week 5
Maths: Practise all times tables to 10 x 10. If you can recall them quickly without hesitating then try the 11x, 12, 13x, 14x and 15 times tables. Check for patterns to help you remember.
If you have not completed your DLO please complete this week before Friday. Email Ms Nelson your work soI can have a quick peak. Thanks. The ones I have commented on so far are very good. Well done Room 2.
Reading: Home Reading Club read every night and don't forget to bring in your reading books and note books back on Friday.
All students need to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
List A List B List C List D Challenging Words
farm above drape helplessness aerial
small snug escape largest column
digs where listen likable exaggerate
smash were scrape listened grievance
dark slip stay mistake intelligent
barn glove fork portable amateur
stall best porch preserving committed
arm shove sport preview exceed
bad see torch quieter grocery
bar shelf thought remarkable interfere
Students who had all spellings correct last week will study the next group's list this week,
Concept Topic: Sustainability
Choose one item per week to complete.( 7 weeks left of term)
The final week of term we host the school assembly. Our class will be having a fashion show displaying our works of recycled art. Students will model their creations. This may be a t-shirt design task, the recycled structure or the recycled fashion task. These tasks will need to be completed before the end of week 10.
Homework Sheet
Homework Term 2 Week 3 and 4
Maths: Practise all times tables to 10 x 10. If you can recall them quickly without hesitating then try the 11x, 12, 13x, 14x and 15 times tables. Check for patterns to help you remember.
Reading: Home Reading Club read every night and don't forget to bring in your reading books and note books back on Friday.
All students need to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
Writing: Write a sentence or two explaining why Anzac biscuits are a good way to remember soldiers who fought in the war. We will put your ideas on the blog tomorrow.
List A List B List C List D
farm above drape helplessness
small snug escape largest
digs where listen likable
smash were scrape listened
dark slip stay mistake
barn glove fork portable
stall best porch preserving
arm shove sport preview
bad see torch quieter
bar shelf thought remarkable
Topic: Try this for fun!
The number you register with when you finish building a city is SN33496
Homework Term 2 Week 2
Maths: Practice multiplication basic Facts
Reading: Reading Logs are due back at school. Please fill out and maybe you will win a ChromeBook! Also we are completing book reports for Mrs O'Leary to put up in the library. Please create a book report. We will go over the how to's this week.
Homework Term 1 Week 9
Maths - Last week to practise your basic facts. Remember to play the games we learned in class.
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes. If you are in the Home Reading Club I need your books
returned on Thursday.
Spelling - Keep learning the words from last week.
Spelling Challenge Words: accelerate
Homework Term 1 Week 8
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night. Try this online game if you are still counting
some of your basic facts to 10 on your fingers.
Next memorise all doubles to 20. 11 + 11 ...
This website is from nzmaths week. There are some great games to learn
about basic facts. There is also a game called Ordering. If you are in the
Blue Group you need to work through Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Please do not waste homework time just playing Canyon Splatter or Raining $.
Reading - Read for 15 minutes each night (even during the weekend). Home Reading
Club you need to have someone ask you questions about the story you have
read and have them sign your notebook each night.
Spelling - New words for the remainder of the term. Only 10% of the class have
scored 15/15 for their spellings each week. That means 90% of you need to
study more so that you don't make silly errors.
stop sharp bright unhappy
lip seeing bananas view
all tape sigh wander
slip also shy write
list being breakfast answer
spot barking ate author
maths parting light boldness
hall sniff meat curable
come stall might break
hats above writes darkness
dish best talks choice
fall glove tight caught
his shelf high careless
last shove anybody choking
shop not didn't finest
Homework Term 1 Week 7
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night. Try this online game if you are still counting
some of your basic facts to 10 on your fingers.
Remember just a few minutes each night reviewing basic facts will make
problem solving easier. It is an expectation in the curriculum that all
students have rapid recall of basic facts.
Reading - Read each night after school for 15 minutes or longer. If you are in the
Home Reading Club you read a story, poem or article from the School Journal
and then have mum and dad ask questions about what you read. The
questioning is very important. Please don't leave that part out of the
Spelling - The words may be easy but some students are making silly errors. You can
try another group's spelling after you learn your list. I also need the points
from February.
A few students have asked for more challenging words...try these!
Topic - Mrs Cato was in on Monday. Have a look around the Epic site. Check out the
articles and news items. Search for things you are studying this year or even
topics you studied last year.
We will continue work on the topic inquiry Wednesday this week in class.
Homework Term 1 Week 6
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night for 5 minutes, choose one of the games we
have been playing in class to help remember them.
Mrs Cato was in to help us use the Google apps for charts and graphing. So I
would like you to practise making a pie chart (graph) to show what you do each
day. Please check your Gmail for the instructions Monday afternoon.Spelling - New list this week. This is also week 2 for March Spelling Points.
dash are should building
hand starve over childless
what friends quiet resource
had give wonder cheapest
mash gave need equal
win doing street glory
did fill was lighting
friends fell shove listening
has gas where people
hit hard took rebuild
many charm see research
ship dark weed cloudless
shot have through uneven
that live some straight
them many thought right
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes
Maths - Practice Basic Facts each night for 5 minutes, choose one of the games we
have been playing in class to help remember them.
Mrs Cato was in to help us use the Google apps for charts and graphing. So I
would like you to practise making a pie chart (graph) to show what you do each
day. Please check your Gmail for the instructions Monday afternoon.Spelling - New list this week. This is also week 2 for March Spelling Points.
dash are should building
hand starve over childless
what friends quiet resource
had give wonder cheapest
mash gave need equal
win doing street glory
did fill was lighting
friends fell shove listening
has gas where people
hit hard took rebuild
many charm see research
ship dark weed cloudless
shot have through uneven
that live some straight
them many thought right
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes
Topic - Research facts about China. Present as a poster or a Google Docs. Think about the facts Lin mentioned in class. Check that your information is accurate.
Mrs Cato showed the class how to compare two countries using Google Apps. This may be a helpful tool to use when researching online..
Mrs Cato showed the class how to compare two countries using Google Apps. This may be a helpful tool to use when researching online..
Homework Term 1 Week 5
Maths - Practice Basic Facts. We have set a class goal to try and get everyone to
finish the 60 questions without anyone counting on their fingers!
Spelling - Same list as last week. Check your group. If you want you can also study any
groups list of words. But you will only be tested on your list on Friday.
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes.
groups list of words. But you will only be tested on your list on Friday.
Reading - Read every night for 15 minutes.
Topic/RE - I have been on to the dashboard for the class Google Drive account. I have
started to make a few comments about work that has been
started/completed. If you have work that you feel should be completed or
revised please go on and have a look. I am checking and giving feedback.
Homework Term 1 Week 4
Maths - Practice Basic Facts (timed quiz in homework books)
- Try the Make 55 card game we learned in class on Monday. Use all the cards from A to 10.
Reading - Read every night for a minimum of 15 minutes per night.
Topic - Create a family tree. Write down the names of your grandparents and when they were born. Do the same for your parents and the children in your family, including yourself.
Writing - Write down at least 10 nouns that describe your bedroom. Write a poem using the same plan we used in class this week. Monday we just found nouns. I will update as we move through the steps this week.
Spelling - Last week for the February spelling sheet. How many points have you earned this month?
Group A - Recco, Annabel, Ryan
Group B - Caitlin, Yeshua, Eva, Alistair, Cody
Group C - Misty, Shavonne, Nikita, Alwin, Katie, Troy, Lauren S, Ria, Daniel, Jerico, Lucille, Arshjot, Aania, Nihal
Group D - Libby, Polly, Jasmin, Tharuki, Veronica, Gian, Anova, Lauren E, Malia
Words: Lists will be used for two weeks. Learn your group's spellings both weeks. Copy the 15 words into your homework book and then complete the month's activities.
am and beetle base
ham at better breakable
hat flat book cover
hop fog done cure
map going enough doubt
mat grave friends doubtful
met hive good fresh
mop no green guide
pet sat home helpless
so smash keep like
top tan listen match
and tap little matchless
are ten look misfile
at tent many misjudge
dad wish meet mismatch
Homework Term 1 Week 3
started to make a few comments about work that has been
started/completed. If you have work that you feel should be completed or
revised please go on and have a look. I am checking and giving feedback.
Homework Term 1 Week 4
Maths - Practice Basic Facts (timed quiz in homework books)
- Try the Make 55 card game we learned in class on Monday. Use all the cards from A to 10.
Reading - Read every night for a minimum of 15 minutes per night.
Topic - Create a family tree. Write down the names of your grandparents and when they were born. Do the same for your parents and the children in your family, including yourself.
Writing - Write down at least 10 nouns that describe your bedroom. Write a poem using the same plan we used in class this week. Monday we just found nouns. I will update as we move through the steps this week.
Spelling - Last week for the February spelling sheet. How many points have you earned this month?
Group A - Recco, Annabel, Ryan
Group B - Caitlin, Yeshua, Eva, Alistair, Cody
Group C - Misty, Shavonne, Nikita, Alwin, Katie, Troy, Lauren S, Ria, Daniel, Jerico, Lucille, Arshjot, Aania, Nihal
Group D - Libby, Polly, Jasmin, Tharuki, Veronica, Gian, Anova, Lauren E, Malia
Words: Lists will be used for two weeks. Learn your group's spellings both weeks. Copy the 15 words into your homework book and then complete the month's activities.
am and beetle base
ham at better breakable
hat flat book cover
hop fog done cure
map going enough doubt
mat grave friends doubtful
met hive good fresh
mop no green guide
pet sat home helpless
so smash keep like
top tan listen match
and tap little matchless
are ten look misfile
at tent many misjudge
dad wish meet mismatch
Homework Term 1 Week 3
Maths – Practice Basic Facts (use the timed quiz from last
Write down a computer game you used to help you practice this week. It might be a dice game, card game, online game or an app. Friday we will share what games you are using to help you learn.
Remember the game has to be practicing basic facts.
Reading – Read at least 10 minutes per night
Writing – Make a list of things you like and dislike about school.
Create your list in a neat t-chart similar to the example below.
I am looking for less obvious ideas.
Think about your five senses for inspiration.
Research: Find out about the meaning of your name.
Are you named after anyone in your family? Write a short report on the facts you find out. (No more than five sentences.)
Spellings – See the points chart from last week and use your new words for Week 3
List 1 List 2
forty desert
Easter Hosanna
Holy Week ascension
Last Supper almsgiving
Passover Pentecost
ashes resurrection
palms temptation
prayer Lenten
lent crucifix
Jesus Ash Wednesday
Maori Word of the Week: (Bonus point to find English meaning)
List 1 List 2
forty desert
Easter Hosanna
Holy Week ascension
Last Supper almsgiving
Passover Pentecost
ashes resurrection
palms temptation
prayer Lenten
lent crucifix
Jesus Ash Wednesday
Maori Word of the Week: (Bonus point to find English meaning)
Remember you can always email me questions about
Homework should be fun. Give yourself lots of time to get it
Week 1 Term 1
No homework this week.
But if you could remember to bring in your Summer Reading Logs. You can write in books you have read this week.
i love your blog. I see you have done wonderful things. by ria ' brother
ReplyDeleteThanks Jay. I'm glad you enjoy our class blog.